What is the Spirit of Arcadia?
You know and I know...
It is the loyal Spirit
That makes us proud of our Camp.
It is the wise Spirit
That makes us think together in all things.
It is the busy Spirit
That makes us work well.
It is the honest Spirit
That makes us play fair.
It is the thrilling Spirit
That makes us sing and cheer for our Camp.
It is the strong Spirit
That makes us do unpleasant tasks without complaining.
It is the brave Spirit
That carries us over the last mile and up the long, hard
climb and brings us home happy.
It is the contented Spirit
That fills us as we sit around our Campfire.
It is the dreaming Spirit
That makes us drift in our canoes on our blue lake at
It is the happy Spirit
That makes us love the twinkling lantern--light on our
hillside at dusk.
It is the reverent Spirit
That comes to us as we look at the stars through the
shadowy pine trees.
It is the great, glowing Spirit of the out-of-doors
That makes us bigger, better, happier every day...
This is the true, blue Spirit of Arcadia.