Camp Arcadia Scholarship Foundation
The Camp Arcadia Scholarship Foundation (“Foundation”) was established in 1987 as a Section 501(c)(3) non-profit entity. The purpose of the Foundation is to provide financial assistance in the form of full and partial Scholarships to attend Camp Arcadia, to girls who would not otherwise be able to attend Arcadia.
Since 1916, Camp Arcadia has been providing girls with life skills that serve them well into adulthood. At Arcadia, girls from different backgrounds live together in simple cabins on the shores of Pleasant Lake and have the opportunity to participate in extensive activity and trip programs. Arcadia provides opportunities for girls to expand their individual interests, develop skills and an appreciation of the natural world, grow personally and make lifelong friendships. Arcadia enables its campers to gain self-confidence and self-assurance, attributes which girls need in order to understand who they are and how they fit into the world.
Donations to the Camp Arcadia Scholarship Foundation
The Annual Appeal - Each year, the Foundation runs an Annual Appeal. All donations to the Annual Appeal fund financial assistance in the form of full and partial Scholarships in the summer of the following calendar year.
Endowment Funds: The Mary Hunt Dana and Friendship Funds were established to recognize lifelong friendships which began at Arcadia - Contributions to either of these Endowment Funds add to that Endowment Fund’s assets. Each year the Endowment Funds’ investment income is used to provide full and partial Scholarships in the summer of the following calendar year. The Foundation’s intent is to support a girl through annual Scholarships as long as she wishes to attend Camp Arcadia. The stability that the Endowment’s investment income helps make this intent a reality by enabling longer-term planning.
Donations to the Annual Appeal and Endowment Funds can be any size and in the form of annual contributions or one-time gifts. The Foundation accepts contributions by check or credit card, of securities, as bequests, and for special purposes, e.g., contributions in memory of an individual or to honor a life event. Please see below for details.
If you would like a copy of the Foundation's most recent Annual Report, please contact Katherine Fritts at
Financial Assistance
If you are interested in applying for financial assistance, you will need to complete an application, which includes providing a copy of your most recent federal tax return. Contact Louise Johnson at for a copy of the application, or with any questions.
Why Do I Give?
"I want to help support a young girl to have experiences they might not be able to otherwise. I want them to be in a supportive atmosphere where they can explore activities which they might not have thought of participating in, and in which they might even excel. I want them to meet friends who will be in their lives for a lifetime. We never know how our actions on one day might affect someone on another, but I am hopeful the small part I play does."
Chris Gallagher, Alumna
"We are honored to donate to the Camp Arcadia Scholarship Foundation each year, as we hope that other girls have the opportunity to share the enriching and transformative experiences that our children have each year during Camp. We believe that Arcadia provides girls with not only an opportunity to disconnect from the stresses of their daily lives while reveling in the adventure, beauty and simplicity of beautiful Maine, but also invaluable lessons in independence, teamwork and resilience. Camp Arcadia has become a very special part of our children's identify and sense of belonging in the world around them. We believe in the importance of passing this on to others."
Carly and Aaron Topol, Parents
"Our family gives because Camp Arcadia is such a source of joy in the lives of our daughters. We have seen how Arcadia has enriched their lives with confidence, a love of the outdoors and loyal friendships. We all want as many lucky girls as possible to experience the magic of Camp Arcadia."
Bill Ritter and Kathleen Friery, Parents
"After over a decade of watching the magic of Camp Arcadia help shape our three daughters' lives, we're committed to paying it forward. Donating to the Camp Arcadia Scholarship Foundation ensures that others can experience the same enriching adventures and lifelong friendships that have become a cornerstone of our daughters' story."
Vogt Family, Past Parents
Thank you to all of the Alumnae, Parents, Past Parents and Friends of Arcadia who make it possible to provide girls with the life-changing experience of a summer at Camp Arcadia!

Easy ways to give!
By mail.
Please send checks to:
Camp Arcadia Scholarship
P.O. Box 32
Casco, ME 04015

If you are interested in naming opportunities, making a major donation, and/or making gifts of securities, real estate, personal property, or planned gifts through wills, trusts, retirement plan benefits and/or life insurance, click here to contact us.
Gifts to the Camp Arcadia Scholarship Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.