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How long may my daughter be at Camp next summer?She may attend for 2, 4, or 7 weeks.
What are the school grades at Arcadia and approximate number of campers in each?Juniors (1st, 2nd, 3rd grades): Average 10 – 14 campers Plebes (4th, 5th grades): Average 30 – 40 campers Seniors (6th, 7th grades): Average 50 – 60 campers Point (8th grade): Average 20 – 25 campers Club (9th grade): Average 14 – 18 campers Counselor Training Group (10th, 11th grades): Average 10 – 15 campers
Is there an average number of summers a girl goes to Arcadia?<h6 class="font_6">Some stay just a few years but generally our campers come back summer after summer, some even to become very valuable counselors. Our camper return rate runs in the 90% range year after year.</h6>
What is it about Arcadia that is outstanding?We focus on building self- confidence and teaching our girls how to live in the out of doors, climb mountains, canoe rivers and learn about nature, and participate in a wide range of other programs and activities.
What is your camper-counselor ratio?<h6 class="font_6">We have 2 to 4 counselors in each lodge of 6 to 10 campers, 5 senior counselors and 10 or so non-lodge counselors. Our cabins differ in size but the average is one counselor to every three campers.</h6>
Are scholarships available?The Camp Arcadia Scholarship Foundation provides funds to Camp Arcadia to enable some campers to be with us who could not otherwise be able to come.
When may parents speak to their campers?Calls are welcome after 10 days at meal time, and letters and cards are always a treat. Our girls are to write home once a week.
When may parents visit their campers?We are continuasly evaluating the environment to see what is best for our camp community. Updates will be posted in the sping.
How will I know my camper is ok?There are many ways that you will know that your camper is ok. The first, is that Camp Arcadia is accredited by the American Camping Association. The ACA’s focus is on the health and safety of the campers and counselors. Beyond that we will call you within three days of your camper’s arrival to let you know how they are adjusting. We have weekly newsletters, and you can call Louise Johnson, our director, at any time. We will call you if your daughter is not ok, and we believe she will be ok and have lots of friends.
Is Arcadia accredited by the American Camping Association?Arcadia has been accredited for many years by the American Camping Association which sends experienced visitors every three years and provides us with important information. For more Information
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